Is aspirin able to prevent skin cancer?

In June 2018, a meta-study was published under the direction of researcher Lenard M. Lichtenberger, which should show that a low amount of aspirin intake does not increase the risk of melanoma or skin cancer. The research states that low aspirin use is not a risk factor for getting skin cancer. In fact, research would show that using aspirin in small doses protects against skin cancer. However, this conclusion is challenged by other scientists.

Lichtenberger describes that there are other scientists who see a relationship between aspirin use and skin cancer. But rejects this relationship as credible, for example by saying that it has not been investigated whether this relationship is dose-dependent. In other words: there is no scientific-based indication, yet, of the dose of aspirin which gives 100% certainty that the risk of melanoma has increased.

Scientific answer

Striking to the Lichtenberger research is that a newspaper article has been taken as a source. Another research team, led by Kelsey A. Orell, responded in August 2018 by stating that newspaper articles fall outside the scope of scientific research.

Read full article in October 2018 issue of VegaTales or download a free article!

Does aspirin prevent skin cancer?
Get your free copy of the article about aspirin. Is it a danger or a possible preventive medicine?
Does aspirin prevent skin cancer.pdf (333.94KB)
Does aspirin prevent skin cancer?
Get your free copy of the article about aspirin. Is it a danger or a possible preventive medicine?
Does aspirin prevent skin cancer.pdf (333.94KB)


Aspirin use of adults, cancer, all cause mortalities, harm
Over 200 page document which sums up all scientific studies about aspirin. In this research it is shown that many researchers that find positive correlations of aspirin as skin cancer prevention method, cannot show convincing statistic results.
PubMedHealth_PMH0079333.pdf (4.14MB)
Aspirin use of adults, cancer, all cause mortalities, harm
Over 200 page document which sums up all scientific studies about aspirin. In this research it is shown that many researchers that find positive correlations of aspirin as skin cancer prevention method, cannot show convincing statistic results.
PubMedHealth_PMH0079333.pdf (4.14MB)
Melanoma associated with daily use of aspirin
This study from october 2018, shows that aspirin is not beneficial at all, if it comes to skin cancer prevention. On the contrary, the study shows that taking aspirin daily give people a higher risk of developing skin cancer.
PIIS0190962218304857.pdf (90.48KB)
Melanoma associated with daily use of aspirin
This study from october 2018, shows that aspirin is not beneficial at all, if it comes to skin cancer prevention. On the contrary, the study shows that taking aspirin daily give people a higher risk of developing skin cancer.
PIIS0190962218304857.pdf (90.48KB)